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St Andrew’s College provides all designated parents/caregivers with an account to access our StACNet intranet, Community Portal, online forms, and our StAC App.
To set up your account password or reset it if you have forgotten it, or for further information on how your account login details will be used, please click on the relevant section below.
To set up your account password for the first time, or to reset your password if you have forgotten it, please follow the link below. Further information about this process is found below.
You will need to know your account username, which will have been sent to new parents/caregivers via email. If you have forgotten your account username, please email
Set up or reset your password >
Following the instructions via the link above will result in a one-time use password being sent to your registered email address (we recommend checking your Junk folder if you do not see it in your Inbox).
This one-time use password can then be used on the same ‘reset’ website to set up your account password.
Once your password is set up, you will be able to access our Community Portal, online forms, and our StAC App. For more information, click on the relevant section below.
StACNet is the go to place for parents/caregivers to find information about College life, student resources, newsletters, publications, general information and much more. Please do spend time going through the sections of the site as it will provide lots of useful information for both yourself and your child.
The Student Resources section of StACNet also has some helpful information and links for students.
St Andrew’s College uses the Community Portal to provide access to student information such as school reports, accounts, timetable details, absence information and the student directory. The Community Portal can be accessed within StACNet.
The Community Portal is also the platform from which updates to student and caregiver information and changes to medical details can be made via the ‘Details’ section, and for Preparatory and Secondary School students, consent can be given for use of information, activities and trips via the ‘Consents’ section.
Another useful feature of the Community Portal is the ability to share contact details with parents/caregivers in your child’s year group. If you do not opt in to share your contact details, you will not be able to see the details of other parents/caregivers.
More detailed information on accessing reports for students in the Preparatory School and Secondary School can be found below.
The Secondary School uses regular reporting to parents/caregivers called ‘Fortnightly Feedback’. For more information about the system and how it works, please click here. The scores can be accessed through the Community Portal 'Results' section. Results are updated each fortnight by 9.00am on a Friday. So typically, there are 4–5 reporting periods each term.
Current and past student reports for your child can be accessed through the Community Portal ‘Reports and Documents’ section. At any time, reports accessed through the Community Portal can be viewed, downloaded and printed.
Preparatory School student reports can be accessed through the Community Portal ‘Reports and Documents’ section.
The goal setting report contains information around student progress towards National Expectations and is collated in Terms 1 and 4. The key competency report is collated at the end of Terms 2 and 4. The key competency report comprises; a summary of progress towards goals in reading, writing and mathematics, teacher comment around key competencies and specialists staff assessments.
At any time, reports accessed through the Community Portal can be viewed, downloaded and printed.
Online forms on the St Andrew's College website are used to gather information, consents for shorter day trips, expressions of interest or RSVPs to events.
To access online forms, parents/caregivers will need to sign in using their St Andrew's College login details.
The StAC App is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from the College, including events, sport draws, cancellations and postponements. It enables you to receive alert notifications, as well as access the Community Portal, student timetables, term fixtures, contacts, resources, and report an absence all in one location.
The StAC App will also be one of the main communication platforms used in the unlikely event of an emergency. In these situations, alerts sent via the App are the quickest to go out and are very well received by parents/caregivers.
Once you download the StAC App, you will need to sign in using your St Andrew's College login details.
Once logged in, be sure to update your App subscriptions to receive alerts from the year groups, sports teams, cultural groups and clubs relevant to you. For more information, view the instructional video below on this page, or click here to download the PDF guide.
To download the StAC App, click on the below links:
Download for Apple iOS > Download for Android > PDF guide >